¥2,100 Frobergue online store 「BEST IN CHILDREN'S BOOKS No.32 1960年」Leonard Weisgard Feodor Rojankovsky Abner Graboff
¥2,500 Frobergue online store 「BEST IN CHILDREN'S BOOKS No.23 1959年」Feodor Rojankovsky Bobri Charlotte Steiner 他
¥2,600 Frobergue online store 「BEST IN CHILDREN'S BOOKS No.7 1958年」Richard Scarry Feodor Rojankovsky Andy Warhol 他
¥2,900 Frobergue online store 「BEST IN CHILDREN'S BOOKS No.41 1961年」Ninon Feodor Rojankovsky Dahlov Ipcar Maurice Sendak
¥2,600 Frobergue online store 「BEST IN CHILDREN'S BOOKS No.26 1959年」Robert Bright Don Freeman Feodor Rojankovsky 他多数
¥2,400 Frobergue online store 「FEODOR ROJANKOVSKY The Children's Books and Other Illustrations Art」Irving & Polly Allen
¥2,800 Frobergue online store 「BEST IN CHILDREN'S BOOKS No.18 1959年」Ingri & Edgar d'Aulaire Feodor Rojankovsky 他多数
¥2,000 Frobergue online store 「BEST IN CHILDREN'S BOOKS No.38 1960年」Margaret Wise Brown Feodor Rojankovsky Ruth Ives Peter Spier 他
¥2,700 Frobergue online store 「BEST IN CHILDREN'S BOOKS No.29 1960年」Leonard Weisgard Charlotte Steiner Richard Scarry 他多数
¥2,800 Frobergue online store 「BEST IN CHILDREN'S BOOKS No.21 1959年」Feodor Rojankovsky Andy Warhol Barbara Cooney
¥2,600 Frobergue online store 「Les contes de toujours」Lida/Etienne Morel/Feodor Rojankovsky/Beatrice Appia 他
¥2,700 Frobergue online store 「Stories and Poems for the Young」Richard Scarry/Rojankovsky/Alice & Martin Provensen(プロヴェンセン夫妻)他多数